Yard WordPress Integration (Plugin)

Do you want to offer relevant events to your finance community? Just integrate a Yard calendar into your WordPress website and and automatically show events to your audience which are contained in Yard. Simply apply to include the Yard Calendar, download the plugin, and activate it. And the best is: it's free!

Send integration request
Yard WordPress Integration (Plugin)

Get The Plugin

Integrating and using the Yard Plugin is free of charge, but it requires approval by Yard. Here are the steps to get up and running:

  1. You have to send an integration request to Yard explaining the use case of the calendar and where you want to install it (website URL). After your request was accepted, you will get an authorization code, which is necessary to run the plugin.
  2. After your integration request was accepted (step 1), you can download the Yard plugin. Note that you cannot run the plugin without a valid authorization code.
  3. After you downloaded the plugin (step 2), upload it to WordPress and activate it. To configure the plugin, see the details in the next section "How To Use".

How To Use

Three simply steps to make the calendar visible on your website:

  • Once you have received the plugin file "yard-plugin.zip", open the "Plugins" section and click "Add New Plugin."
  • After installing the Yard Plugin, open the "Plugins" section and click "Activate" to enable the plugin. Everything is now ready.
  • Open any text editor or shortcode widget and use the following example shortcode:[yard_plugin code="your_activation_code" topic="web3" city="Berlin"] - be sure to replace your_activation_code with your actual activation code.

That's it: The page will now contain the desired calendar.


You can configure the Yard Plugin through these parameters:

  • [yard_plugin code="your_activation_code" topic="web3"] - filter events by one or more supported topics: web3, fintech, finance, ai, it, realestate, and/or sustainability. Separate multiple topics with a comma.
  • [yard_plugin code="your_activation_code" city="Berlin"] - filter events by city name.
  • [yard_plugin code="your_activation_code" country="Germany"] - filter events by country name. If you define a parameter country="", the parameter city="" will be disregarded in the processing of events.
  • [yard_plugin code="your_activation_code" maxwidth="1200px"] - adjust the screen width, default is 100%.

You can also combine the above listed parameters for limiting the events to be shown. 


The Yard Plugin will be constantly be improved. You can view a record of the changes in the changelog.
