
September 2024:

  1. Launch of the admin frontend and editing capabilities for Calendar Partners.
  2. Launch of the option for Media Partners and Calendar Partners to provide discount codes for their own events.
  3. Launch of a hosted event calendar to be used by Calendar Partners.
  4. Launch of the first two Yards: Bitcoin Yard and Web3 Yard. Individual Yards will cover only relevant events, will be managed by selected caretakers, and will get their unique look and feel. Yards can be supported by sponsors.
  5. Launch of the iframe integration of the event calendar for Calendar Partners.

October 2024:

  1. Publication and automated syncing of multiple events through submission of RSS feeds.
  2. Launch of the Javascript integration of the event calendar.

Other planned features having no prioritization:

  • Completion of missing content in the Yard website.
  • Expansion of fields for the events indexed in the calendars.
  • Launch of a knowledge base answering common questions.
  • Launch of a "Who is who" (in Web3) section.
  • Publish multiple events by submitting URLs through an online form.
  • Update an existing single event through an online form.


  • September 23, 2024: Launch of the Yard Plugin for WordPress for Calendar Partners to show events in their website.
  • September 22, 2024: The "Finance Yard Event Calendar" is rebranded to "Yard" and is set to become a platform for discovering events and managing them. This way also other topics, such as AI, can be better presented under the new name. Finance Yard remains a community for finance as well as emerging technologies and now just integrates a Yard calendar with a subset of relevant events.
  • September 21, 2024: A new display mode for events was introduced: details mode.
  • August 28, 2024: The event calendar was relaunched and it now features almost 400 events. Users can now also submit missing events through an online form. It turns out that the branding "Finance Yard" is to narrow for the increasing amount of events from related financial areas, such as IT or sustainability.
  • August 20, 2024: In conversations with other finance communities, the idea arises to allow the integration of the calendar in other websites.
  • July 20, 2024: By accident, the people tasked to research Web3 events, added events to the calendar from areas such as fintech, finance, and AI. Finance Yard decided to add categories, so that users could also query events by topics besides just Web3 events.
  • July 14, 2024: Finance Yard is launching the Web3 calendar containing 65 events worldwide.
  • Spring 2024: Michael Wutzke (aka Mike) is fed up with the existing event calendars concerning Web3 events. Mike sometimes misses conferences, important after events, or relevant other event formats. He decides to launch a Web3 event calendar at some point in the future as part of the Finance Yard community website, with the goal to make it useful and interactive for many users.